This can be used as a yearly checklist to help verify that these tasks are getting accomplished by the charter board.
Charter school goals are evidence and research based, relevant to school's mission and vision, measurable, data is available, appropriate to school's target population and overall academic focused
School regularly reviews progress on charter goals
School meets at least 70% of charter goals and shows progress on any goals not met
All board members participate in a minimum of 3 board trainings a year including one on the Utah Public Notice Website §52-4-104
All board members have background checks on file according to §53G-5-408
Maintain number of board members as specified in charter
Hold minimum number of meetings as specified in charter
All meetings are properly noticed according to §52-4-202
Recordings available for all meetings within 3 days of holding the meeting according to §52-4-203
Minutes are available for all meetings and are posted within 30 days of the meeting according to §52-4-203
If meetings are closed, they are done according to §52-4-204 through §52-4-206
Board receives a monthly financial report according to §53G-7-309
Director reports to the board at every regularly scheduled board meeting
Board has written expectations for executive director
Board conducts an annual evaluation of the executive director
The school has identified and implemented generally accepted financial internal controls
State-accepted procurement practices are implemented and adhered to
Governing Board members meet the legal requirements for board membership under Utah Code 53G-11-402.
The Governing Board is free from actual and perceived conflicts of interest.
The school and its governing board establish, approve, and monitor the annual budget and safeguard the financial health of a school.
The Governing Board has adopted Rules of Order and Procedure, per Section 4(d) of the Charter Contract and Utah Code 53G-5-413.
The Board holds its meetings in compliance with the Open and Public Meetings Act.
The Governing Board timely submits reports required by state and federal law, the Charter Contract, and as requested by the SCSB, per Charter Contract Section 4(h).
The insurance policies of the school are complete and meet minimum coverage requirements as designated in Utah Code 53G-5-404 and the charter contract.
The school has not received complaints that have resulted in a violation of law or the charter contract, including violations of FERPA and laws surrounding public record requests, that have resulted in the Corrective Action plan with USBE Departments.
The School does not discriminate in its enrollment and lottery practices, including discrimination against students with disabilities, English Language Learners, race, gender, ethnicity, or any other basis that would be illegal if used by a school district.
The employees of the school have met the legally required minimum standards for background checks and certification.
The school and Board meet the requirements of Utah Code 53G-5-404(13)(b) and (c) regarding the approval and publication of instructional materials. •Note that this standard is looking at the process of approval and publication to ensure statutory obligations have been met, and it is not a judgement on the substance of the materials.
The website of the school is up-to-date with current information, per state law, state board rule, and the Charter Contract.
The school has a valid anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy on file in compliance with Utah Code 53G-9-601 through 608.