Only an approved authorizer who promotes, annually reviews, and regularly evaluates school performance may authorize charter schools. Authorizers hold charter schools accountable for their performance following statutes, administrative rules, and each school’s unique charter agreement. The Utah State Charter School Board (SCSB) upholds stringent standards of authorization and oversight to ensure that charter schools use public funds as intended. By maintaining high standards, SCSB ensures the long-term viability of schools and mitigates potential underperformance using the Charter School Accountability Framework (CSAF).

As part of the CSAF, the Financial Framework is one of the three key indicators, alongside academics and governance, that form the foundation of SCSB's oversight process.

The business rules included for each Metric is based upon industry standards but further conversation is needed. Each Metric should be looked at through the following Financial Framework Values lens:

~School autonomy - compassion, authenticity, excellence
~Inform authorizer support
~Basis for an assessment that leads to conversation before consequences
~Minimize administrative burden
~Performance over compliance
~Keep it simple


Displays the overall financial performance of Charter LEAs authorized by the SCSB.
Select the fiscal year, LEA and type of report. If you are not seeing the LEA, its data has not been saved for that school year and report type.

Based on the results, LEAs are classified into tiers to help SCSB identify those that may need additional support or oversight. The tiers are as follows:
LEAs in their first or second year of operation
Meets Expectations
LEAs that meets all but one measure
LEAs that meet all but two measures
Active Engagement
LEAs that do not meet three measures or are labeled as Review LEA and, based upon further review, are moved to Active Engagement
Sorry - the LEA does not have financial data saved for this report.
*Debt Default and Material Audit Findings are not assessed during the preliminary review.

The short term metrics are intended to depict the school's financial position and viability in the upcoming year. Schools meeting these standards demonstrate a low risk of financial distress in the coming year.

UDCOH is >= 60 days OR
UDCOH is between 30 and 60 days with a positive increase from previous year
New schools: This will not be used in the assessment of schools in their first two years of operations.

Does the school have the cash available to pay bills?

(Cash + Cash Equivalent - Total Funds in Restricted Programs) x 365 / (Total Operating Expenses - Annual Depreciation Expense)

AFS or public financial reporting download in October, General Fund

Revenues minus expenses is > $0

Is the school living within its available resources?

Current year revenues - current year expenses

AFS or public financial reporting download in October, General Fund

The school has managed the salaries and benefits of school personnel to be equal or less than 60% of their total revenues.

How has the school managed their salaries and benefits as compared to their total revenue?

Salaries and Benefits Ratio = (Total Salaries + Total Benefits) / Total Revenues

Summary - All Funds

The school has not defaulted on loan covenant(s) or is not delinquent with debt service payments?

Has the school defaulted on loan covenants or is it delinquent with debt service payments?

Not Applicable - NOT PASSED = LEA has defaulted on loan covenants or was delinquent with debt service payments/PASSED = LEA has not defaulted on loan covenants and was not delinquent with debt service payments

Not Applicable

The long term metrics are designed to depict a school’s financial position and viability over time. Schools meeting these standards demonstrate a low risk of financial distress in the future.

Most recent year Total Margin is positive and aggregated 3 year Total Margin is positive OR
Aggregated 3-year is greater than -1.5% AND the previous year is positive AND most recent year is positive

Is the school living within its means?

Change in Net Position/ Total Revenues
Change in net position = Total revenue - total expenses
3 year aggregated : Sum of 3 years' change in net position/Sum of 3 years' total revenues
2 year aggregated: Sum of 2 years' change in net position/sum of 2 years' total revenues

AFS or public financial reporting download in October

Debt service coverage ratio is >= to 1.1

Is a school able to cover its debt obligations?

(Change in Net Position + Depreciation + Interest Expense) / (Annual Principal + Interest + Lease Payment)

AFS or public financial reporting download in October

This measure sets expectations for the school’s management and oversight of its finances.

PASSED, in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures, the audited financial statements should have an unqualified opinion, should not include material weakness and the auditor should have no concerns about the school’s on-going viability.

Is the schools audit satisfactory?

Not Applicable

Not applicable

These are financial metrics not classified as short term or long term.

Facility Ratio is less than or equal to 20%

Facility Ratio = (Operation and Maintenance of Facilities + Lease Payment + Debt Service) / Total Revenue
Debt Service = Annual Principal + Interest

Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance – Governmental Funds.
Notes Section of the Audited Financials.
LEA Unrestricted Days Cash On Hand (ST) Deficit/Surplus (ST) Debt Default (ST) Salaries and Benefits Ratio (ST) Total Margin (LT) Debt Service Coverage Ratio (LT) Material Audit Findings (LT) Facility Ratio