About Utah Charters
  Charter schools are tuition-free public schools open to any Utah student.
A public school is defined as a school that is open to the public, funded by the public, and accountable to the public. Charter schools meet all three criteria.
  Charter schools are governed by independent boards and held accountable to a legally binding written contractual agreement with their authorizer.
It is this charter agreement that allows for the operation of the charter school.
  Charter schools offer parents and students additional choices about where students attend school and the school's curricular emphasis.
Charter schools allow educators freedom to try new strategies to inspire students and to experiment with innovative ways of educating students.
As public schools, Utah Charter Schools must comply with all federal and state legislation and federal regulations. Charter schools are also responsible to comply with all State Board rules except those specifically waived in their charter.
Art work completed by a Utah Charter student - Apples with book
132 Utah charter schools authorized by SCSB in operation making the SCSB one of the largest authorizers in the nation!
students enrolled in Utah charter schools. That is --- of Utah public students.
4,855 full time employees (FTE), including teachers, administrators, specialists, counselors, supervisors and student support services in charter schools in school year 2022. That is 12.6% of Utah's educational FTEs.
Art work completed by Adam Westwood - Subaru
Art work completed by Daniel Radu - castle
Art work completed by Utah Charter students
Radu, Phillip. Apple still life. 2023, acrylic painting. Winter Sports School, Utah.
Westwood, Adam Jeremiah. 2023, vector art piece using Scratch. Utah Virtual Academy, Utah.
Radu, Daniel Marcel. 2023. Winter Sports School, Utah.
2023. Collage of art pieces created by students of Charter schools, Utah.