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The Utah State Charter School Board (SCSB), designated as the foremost public charter school authorizer in the state, plays a pivotal role in shaping and overseeing the landscape of charter education. Functioning as an authoritative body, its primary responsibility lies in the judicious selection of educational institutions that will be permitted to operate as public charter schools. Moreover, the Board assumes the crucial duty of maintaining a rigorous system of accountability to ensure that these authorized schools consistently deliver a high-quality educational experience.
The members of the SCSB are distinguished professionals appointed by the Governor, chosen for their expertise, commitment to education, and understanding of the intricate dynamics of charter school governance. Through a collaborative and strategic approach, these appointed Board Members exercise their fiduciary responsibilities to make informed decisions that align with the Board's overarching mission.
Facilitating the realization of this mission are dedicated Staff Members who provide invaluable day-to-day support to the Board. These professionals contribute their expertise to streamline operations, enhance communication, and implement policies that foster the growth and success of authorized charter schools.
In summary, the Utah State Charter School Board stands as a formidable entity committed to fostering educational excellence by carefully selecting and vigilantly overseeing public charter schools, thereby playing a vital role in advancing the educational landscape of the state.

Bio Photo
Bryan Bowles
Board Chair
Executive Committee
Term Ends:  June 30, 2026
Nominated by the Utah State Board of Education. Elected Board Chair in November 2024.
Bio Photo
Stephanie Speicher
Board Vice Chair
Executive and Innovation Committees
Term Ends:  June 30, 2028
Elected Board Vice Chair in November 2024. Expertise in innovation in education.
Bio Photo
Clint Biesinger
Board Member
Finance and Oversight Committee
Term Ends:  June 30, 2028
Nominated by an organization representing Utah’s charter schools and has expertise in developing or administering a charter school. Also, expertise in finance, small business management, law, or public policy.
Bio Photo
Erik Olson
Board Member
Authorization Committee
Term Ends:  June 30, 2028
Nominated by an organization representing Utah’s charter schools and has expertise in developing or administering a charter school. Also, expertise in finance, small business management, law, or public policy
Bio Photo
Krystle Bassett
Board Member
Innovation and Oversight Committees
Term Ends:  June 30, 2026
Expertise in innovation in education.
Bio Photo
Rabecca Cisneros
Board Member
Authorization Committee
Term Ends:  June 30, 2026
Nominated by an organization representing Utah’s charter schools and has expertise in developing or administering a charter school.
Bio Photo
Susan Pulsipher
Board Member
Term Ends:  June 30, 2029
Utah State Charter School Board Resolution in Support of All Utah Students
The State Charter School Board affirms America’s core ideals that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that they are entitled to equal protection of the laws. We further affirm that such ideals are grounded in a belief that all people are considered of equal value and worth. In the spirit of these ideals, and our mission and vision, we honor the individuality and uniqueness of each student. We acknowledge the importance of acceptance and inclusion to the health, safety, well-being, and academic success of each student. We support schools where all students and their families feel welcomed, appreciated, and safe; where students are respected and loved regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, language, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical ability, disability, intellectual acuity, political beliefs, affiliations, or ideologies. As members of the State Charter School Board, we are committed to upholding the public trust by respecting the individuality and dignity of each student in order to support all students toward productive and meaningful lives within our multicultural society.

Treeside students
Monticello students
Hawthorne students